Areas in Manila - the territory of Bannagasinan

Logo Bannagasinan province Bannagasinan region has 44 municipalities (village), and 4 cities
Dagupan, San Carlos, Urdaneta and Alaminos
Bannagasinan province north of Manila, located about 182 km has a magnificent beaches and the beauty of his wife and his family and his good nature painting
In addition, they speak their own language, as well as the official language of the region is famous for its trade in salt and salt is mined and exported
To all over the Philippines, its quality and well-known (for example, add salt, sugar cane), and I think that the beautiful beaches and salt can smile on the population it will add navigation and adoption and wit

The islands lie close to the percent of the city on the Gulf Olamenus
Lingayen Gulf from Aanagaan

The history of the region
This province is close to the South China Sea, the campaign was organized by the Chinese invasion and capture the wealth of the country, it is natural that there will be resistance to these incursions and stability results in the Champions nationalists must remind them of the date of the heroism and cardboard letters of gold, and the most famous princess of them urduja which owned a large army of mostly women and fleets of ships to repel and defeat
Attack the enemy and control Bannagasinan which was called the old Toalesa tawalisi mentioned the Arab traveler Ibn Battuta, praised by many

Ibn Battuta started his journey from Morocco are going to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, and then continued his career and has toured Arab and Muslim countries and many countries in Asia and
I went to India, and talked about many things and says strange things were not known in all the countries he visited, and then went to Sumatra (north of Indonesia), and then went on his way to China Sea and on the way stop in the country Toalesa tawalisi

Ibn Battuta in the Philippines
Increasing Princess urduja impressive Ibn Battuta many military Bbtouladtha and his wise leadership and the strength of her personality and Hhamtha and generosity, where the processing of your ship and gave him generous gifts researchers and historians have concluded that the procurement referred to Ibn Battuta are abundant in Bannagasinan Pangasinan coastal central northern part of Luzon north of Manila in the Philippines, of all people know this story is taught in history books in school health research and found peace, Jose Rizal
Sinan in Bannaga speak a strange language, as they say, Turkish or Indian origin, as the ancient language spoken by
According to the ancient people of the country Toalesa tawalisi addition to Altqalo (the official language of the Philippines), English

Traveling from Manila to the town Olamenus 5:00 bus for those who want to travel and return to Manila on the same day or the next day he can go to the bus station in Kueson of Manila, and reduce the ticket to the city in the province Olamenus Bannagasinan $ 350 pesos (25 SR), and the journey time from (4-5 hours) and then ride a tricycle tricycle $ 100 pesos, so you up to the maximum to the beach Barannagaa Ukab which is a national park (on ride a taxi to go to it directly from Manila without dizziness of the head) that the area of ​​1844 hectares with 123 islands waiting for you as a bunch of
Emeralds are scattered along the shore of the turquoise water and white sand and the bride with jewels, like a crown

The advantage of the province and its capital Bannagasinan Pangasinan Enqayan on the best beach in the north of Manila in a city park Olamenus
Cent Island National Park of the international one hundred islands, away from the capital city of Manila, 250 kilometers and takes about 5 hours by bus

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